Laura Satran, Heart Disease Survivor. Learn more about Laura’s story.

Who do you go red for and why?
Having Triple Bypass surgery at the age of 40 was a real eye opener for me. My girls were young and the thought of leaving them impacted me greatly. To this day they worry about me, and we all have an understanding that tomorrow isn’t promised for any of us. I want my girls to have knowledge I didn’t at their age. The choices you make at a young age impact you for the rest of your life. Making healthy decisions and creating patterns at a young age are way easier than changing them later in life. I go red for my daughters Madison and Clover.
How do you prioritize self-care?
Self-care for me comes in small doses. Although I would love to treat myself with spa days, retreats, and time by the pool it just doesn’t fit in my life right now. Taking time to breathe throughout the day and respond verses react to stressful situations has brought my stress levels down. I go to sleep listening to Insight Timer, Managing Stress is my go-to category. Reading at night instead of watching Netflix or Hulu is something I have recently added to my routine. I am currently reading Permission to Feel, The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success.
What do you want women to know about heart disease and stroke?
That heart disease does not discriminate against anyone. I am told that “I don’t look that part”. That’s the thing, there is no part or type.