Mental Health
and Well-Being

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happy friends playing with sparklers outdoors

Because wellness is everything, here’s some guidance to help you achieve it.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Caring for yourself. It’s not only about your own personal well-being. It’s about protecting the futures of everyone you love and care for.

Restful Not Stressful – Tips to practice gratitude and relieve stress

Gratitude – or thankfulness – is a powerful tool that can reduce levels of depression and anxiety and improve sleep.  

Gratitude is Good Medicine Infographic

Thankfulness: How Gratitude Can Help Your Health

Working Out to Relieve Stress

4 Ways Pets Make You Healthier

Meditation and Mindfulness Videos

Young woman sitting by a window drinking a cup of coffee.

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Deep Breathing: Benefits and Techniques

Your breathing directly affects your nervous and cardiovascular systems. Taking slow, deep breaths can trigger positive responses in your body, including:

  • Stabilizing or lowering blood pressure
  • Creating and maintaining a sense of calm
  • Lessening stress for improved mental health
  • Reducing anxiety and depression symptom
Note: If you have a medical condition related to your heart or lungs, you should consult with your health care professional before trying these breathing techniques.
Learn how

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4-7-8 Breathing

Inhale through your notes for four counts, then hold that breath for seven counts. Then exhale through your mouth (slowly) for eight counts.

Note: If you are trying these deep breathing techniques for the first time, it’s not recommended to practice these approaches for more than three to five cycles at once. Stop any technique if you feel dizzy or light-headed.

Back Pursed-lip Breathing

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Pursed-lip Breathing

Inhale, then exhale through your mouth with pursed lips at a rate two to four times slower than your inhale.

Note: If you are trying these deep breathing techniques for the first time, it’s not recommended to practice these approaches for more than three to five cycles at once. Stop any technique if you feel dizzy or light-headed.

Back Box Breathing

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Box Breathing

Inhale through your nose for four counts, then hold your breath for four more. Next, exhale for four counts, then wait for four counts before inhaling and restarting the 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 sequence.

Note: If you are trying these deep breathing techniques for the first time, it’s not recommended to practice these approaches for more than three to five cycles at once. Stop any technique if you feel dizzy or light-headed.

Back Diaphragmatic Breathing

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Diaphragmatic Breathing

Place both hands on your abdomen, then inhale deeply through your nose. Let your abdomen balloon out, and then exhale through your mouth.

Note: If you are trying these deep breathing techniques for the first time, it’s not recommended to practice these approaches for more than three to five cycles at once. Stop any technique if you feel dizzy or light-headed.

Download our easily shared one-pager on the surprising benefits of deep, controlled breathing. Get the Breathing Brings Benefits (PDF)

Woman with eyes closed doing breathing exercise in living room at home
Woman with eyes closed doing breathing exercise in living room at home
Woman with eyes closed doing breathing exercise in living room at home
Woman with eyes closed doing breathing exercise in living room at home
Woman with eyes closed doing breathing exercise in living room at home

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