Nellie Axelroad

Nellie AxelroadNellie Axelroad is not your typical donor. She and her husband Saul made their initial gift in 2003, and have supported the association through their wills and by establishing charitable gift annuities ever since.

Nellie’s commitment to the association was partly inspired by her grandfather, who suffered from heart disease and would later succumb to a heart attack.

Her husband Saul also suffered from heart disease, and passed away in 2010 due to a weakened heart and complications from medical treatments.

Nellie and Saul made the decision to include the association in their will, because they felt it was a worthwhile cause. Their generous donation recognizes them both as members of the Paul Dudley White Legacy Society, which honors individuals who have made gifts through their will, trust, or alternate estate plan.

She’s given in other ways too. Asked by her local affiliate in Marietta if she’d be willing to help fund CPR kits in schools, she agreed, and her donation was matched by others in the community. 

The Axelroads were married for 37 years. In Nellie’s words, “I’ve had a fantastic life. God has blessed me more than I ever could have asked.â€

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