Pet Owners
Can Owning a Pet Can Change Your Life?

Pets make us better humans.
Pets can help you reduce stress, boost mood, get more exercise, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol. (We’ve got to prove it.) Having a pet may help you get more fit; lower your stress and your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar; and boost your overall happiness and well-being.
Your pet is more than a companion:
- Owning a pet may change habits that can lead to weight loss.
- Dog owners are more likely to fit in the recommended physical activity than those who don’t have a dog.
- Get moving with your pet indoors or outdoors. You’ll both get exercise, and you may find yourself meeting other dog owners in your area. Socializing can be a good thing.
- Dog parents are more likely to reach their fitness goals than those without canine companions.
- In fact, dog parents are 34% more likely to fit in 150 minutes of walking a week than non-dog owners.